Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Time for Everything...

"A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted...a time to tear down and a time to build up...a time to tear apart and a time to sew together.." These words are ringing in my head today and I didn't realize how bitter-sweet my last day on the base would be. Honestly, the first 4 years we spent here were some of the more difficult years of my life and when we left on furlough in August I felt rather determined not to come back. After spending 7 months in the States and now returning I am so grateful for the trials I went through. Many would look at what I considered to be trials and think "what a wimp" (yes, I am!) but to me there were times that the hurt was so intense I really didn't think I could endure. Now looking back I see what an incredible blessing these trials were as I was in desperate need of growth in certain areas (areas that I probably wouldn't have grown in had we stayed "home"). Would I do it again? Hmmm...don't know, but I'm glad we lived those 4 years here and I'm also glad that it is over with! Anyway, I'm getting a bit off track. I say all of that because I didn't expect to have a strong attachment to this base. It was a difficult stage in my life and I've been slightly excited to move on. Even though I'm looking forward to living in a Brazilian community it's sobering to look around here and be reminded of all the ways the Lord has used this base. Also, even though the base will cease to exist the 25th of this month, the materials from many of the buildings will continue to be used in other ministries. Here is a glimpse of what it looks like around here...

The study Center (Jonathan's dad actually drew up the plans for this building eons ago!)
This is where the translators had cubicles to work on translation, etc. Many would have one of the Indians come out for portions of time to work with them on certain portions of Scripture, and have that portion checked by a third party.

Just last week this was a house!

Jonathan's child-hood home
(that his dad built out of solid mahogany).

A view through a window of what used to be the school
(where Jonathan attended as a child and his sister taught for many years!).


bjk said...

Dad and I just read those verses in Eccles. in our devotions together on Sunday. We thought of all the changes there too. And we pray for all of you involved directly in those changes. May God use this time for good - in the lives of each missionary and in the ministry to all those who need Him. God allows difficult things in our lives to draw us closer to Him - a lifelong process.

Unknown said...

I can't imagine how you, and especially Jonathan, must be feeling to be a part of the end of this chapter in so many missionaries lives! We're praying for energy, peace, wisdom, direction, and provision!

Meg in Tally said...

As I was reading, the Casting Crowns song came on...Somewhere in the Middle. How appropriate for this transitional time...the title, at least...didn't hear all the words.

I love the doesn't look much different in pictures than out my back door. Though I know it must be.

It's hard for me to imagine the transition you are making. I can't even imagine living in a foreign country where I wasn't totally fluent in the language.

You made me cry again...doesn't take much...but thinking of how God has used that compound for so many years really touches my heart.

We'll be praying for your new assignment from the Lord.