The house is a mess but it's all coming together, slowly but surely! Our final things arrived on Saturday, so now we have a place to put the stuff in boxes. It's starting to feel like home and I've already decided that I'm really going to live living in this town, on the side of town where our house is! So far all of the neighbors we've met seem really nice and they seem to enjoy my funny accent...
A friend of mine introduced me to an "horta" just down the road from us. It's basically a large vegetable garden where a family sells produce super cheap (gotta like that!). I've decided to forget my previous idea of trying to grow cilantro myself since I can buy a bag full for 50 cents (the convenience of going on a short bike-ride has won out). I also bought a bag full of broccoli (it's different then the broccoili we get in the States) for around 75 cents. I enjoy being able to welcome greens back into my life! We've been living on mostly processed flour products for a while now..ugh.
No house pictures but I'm anxious to get things set up enough to where it is picture-friendly!
Thankfully we have...
A stove
Washing machine!
Still to come are...
Toilet seat
Internet (it's actually been therapeutic not having internet access or email for a bit!)
I have a feeling after this week things will be running smoothly in the Kroeker home.
Here is a short rendition of Karis' prayer last night...
"Dear Lord, thank you for Karis. Help Karis play, and help Karis have fun. Karis play at the playground with Sarah and Kiera and John. And help Karis have fun. Be with Papai and Uncle Mike and Aunt Kelli and baby Emily. In Jesus names, Amen".
Principle Two - Part 3
5 years ago
It's amazing what we take for granted here in America, where I am grateful that toilet seats are almost always included in the sales price.
my advice would be to make a list of what you have to do, and set an amount of time you will spend on it each day - then use the rest of your time doing routine things with your family (playing, reading, cooking, ministering). It's a ministry to your family to help things "seem normal" as quickly as possible - and having some of your same ol' routine is comforting to everyone.
"getting settled" can become an obsession. I have personal experience with which to speak from. :)
So glad to have you back in Bloggyland! But you KNOW if you don't have pix of house --you MUST include a pic or 2 of Karis! (just for MamaWeso, of course!)
She was just lamenting the other night on the phone that you hadn't posted in tooooo long! LOL!! I was amazed that "I" could fill her in on your moving, etc. that was keeping you away!
Bet you're happy to have the man around the house again, too. Hang in there! (I'm thankful for my toilet seat, too!)
it is so fun to be able to catch up on what has and has NOT been going on there :)
totally enjoying...why is yours so much cooler than mine???
Hey Kelley,
I've tagged you over at Lonesome Pine...come play when you have time.
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