I'm really enjoying the whole blogging thing. It has been so much fun to get to know other people in a way that I probably never would have with email. It's also been very therapeutic taking the time to sit down and reflect on what is going on in our lives and how the Lord is working (it's also a great motivator knowing that people are reading!). I'm already excited about 10 years down the road when I can look back and be reminded of the smaller day-to-day occurrences that are easily forgotten. So far I've managed to convince Kim to start a blog (check her out at http://my1chronicles2915experience.blogspot.com/ ) and I've almost convinced my sister-in-law Cristy, to start hers (I'm guessing it's only a matter of time). My friend Angie is going to be a tough cookie though, I think. With 4 kiddos, a new town & house, 2 months w/o kitchen cabinets (she just got some!) teaching a music class and a husband who's been traveling constantly since the move I can't figure out why she's not so gung-ho about the idea (I guess some people just have a hard time focusing on more than one thing at a time). What about you, Tiff? You're a faithful comment-leaver...I would love to read your blog! Do you need an email from me as well to convince you to start one up?
Ok, onto subject #2. Karis is getting much better at the whole hiding thing...Subject #3 I've been trying to paint different pieces of furniture that got pretty banged up in the move. One was a buffet that we bought from the mission when we first moved here. It would have looked great being stripped, sanded, sanded some more, stained and then sealed but since it might be a few years 'til I have the time to do that (or years 'til I convince myself to spend the time doing that) I decided to paint it instead. I couldn't get the idea out of my head to paint it a rusty kind of red color and even though every person I told my plans to couldn't help but gasp, I did it anyway. It's getting easier and easier to just do what I want regardless of what others think in my older age. Some call it being stubborn, others call it being independent...I'd prefer to call it standing firm against peer pressure (maybe I could write a book about that?). So here it is folks, the red buffet (and I do like it, btw). A little shiny but it sure hides the dings.
Speaking of older age...I am feeling it at this stage in my life. Partly because I haven't been consistent at exercising at all since the munchkin has been born, partly because I ate Papa Johns Pizza and Krispy Kreme donuts for 7 months on furlough and partly because I've been playing soccer with the women here on Wednesday and Thursday nights. It is a lot of fun and great exercise...yet Thursday nights are now my official nights to moan/complain about feeling old. I know I'm not old, I'm just feeling old. I realized last night (while attempting to play) what the big problem is. My mind is still 5 years younger. In my head I know just what to do, where to run, where to pass, etc, but the body just isn't cooperating. When I see that I need to be about 20 feet in front of me to receive a pass my mind is there ready to kick the ball only to realize that I'm only halfway there and my body is moving in slow motion! It's the most bizarre feeling. I stick my leg out to take the ball from the opponent only to realize that by the time my leg is out they've passed me and are shooting at the goal (oops, that's embarrassing). So even though I'm becoming stubborn in my older age (I mean, more firm against peer pressure) I'm being humbled in other ways. That's ok though. I may quicken my pace up if I keep playing 2 nights a week...especially if I can convince myself to do some other form of exercise. Oh, and as a side note...you wouldn't believe how much better I'm sleeping now that I'm getting some form of exercise! I am sleeping through the night, every night which is literally a first since the munchkin has been born. Jonathan isn't as thrilled about it as I am since he is the only one who hears if Karis wakes up at night:-)
Last subject here. One of the things I'm really looking forward to at the new house is the courtyard area behind the kitchen/dining room! There is a brick bbq pit thing as well as a fruit tree (jabuticaba is the fruit. Pretty yummy and you can make jam out of it!). Take a look...Isn't it a cute area? I think we'll be spending lots of time out here! If you look closely in the front left side of the picture you can see our soon-to-be-dog, Moof (his real name is Moose but seems everybody calls him Moof or Moofy). We are getting him from the owners of the house (and we had planned to get him before the whole house thing came up!). One more pet for the Kroeker family.
I guess that'll do it for today, folks!
Principle Two - Part 3
5 years ago
I love your red buffet! I might have done the same thing in spite of others' objections.
Congratulations on your new house! How awesome the Lord is providing for your family in this way.
I've enjoyed catching up on your blog and seeing what the Lord is showing you. Keep it up!
I just LOVE your new house. Are you getting excited about moving in?
I also love your courtyard AND your buffet! I'm not really a 'red' person, but it works on that piece of furniture.
This newsy little post was fun --especially the pix of cutie-pie.
Cute picts ... of course! I'm loving your house, the buffet and courtyard also :) I'm actually going to do a simple blog ...mainly posting picts of the kiddos for family and friends to see ... I'm just trying to come up with a "creative" title! It's difficult! :)
Hey ladies ... you should read this families blog ... sooo touching! A friend of mine knows this couple and they just lost their 1st baby, after having a c-section at 37 wks. Hug your babies & grab the tissue box .... and PRAY for them!
Oh I love the courtyard! And I think the buffet looks great :)
kels i am laughing so hard today - loved the visual i got imaging you trying to play soccer again...and the insightful explanation of stubborn vs easily influenced.
I am excited about your new house!! The courtyard is adorable!!
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