Karis got her first pet today! Of course she couldn't care less (which surprises me a bit) but that's ok, one day she'll get really excited over this fact. The new pet is a 35 day old baby parakeet who I'm pretty sure is a girl (which is good since Karis named her "Chicky". Not sure where she got this name unless Chicky reminds her of the baby chicks she sees in the farm stores). Anyway, "Chicky" is such a sweet little bird who loves to just sit in your hand and hang out. I'm including a picture of her in her box since she was so cozy in there I didn't want to take her out just for the picture. Here she is...
I'm really excited about having Chicky! Although I've calmed down quite a bit in my older age I still have a tendency to overindulge in acquiring family pets. My poor siblings aren't allowed to have pets because of the torture I put my parents through while living at home. As they tell my siblings "Kelley took your share of pets. Sorry." Honestly it's true. At one time my bedroom only had a trail to my bed and a trail to my dresser as it was full of 30-something gerbils, two cockatiels (in a HUGE cage), one parakeet, two Iguanas (one in a big aquarium and the other which happened to be almost 4-feet long in a big cage) and a 15-gallon fish tank full of...well, fish. That doesn't include the loads of rabbits in my back-yard, the several stray cats (who chose our garage as a place to have their stray kittens. Somehow animals just know when you're a softy/sucker for animals) and a few dogs here and there (later on in college I acquired two stray dogs who combined had about 6 litters of puppies. My fault, I take total blame for overpopulating TN with dogs). My dad calls me Elly May Clampett to this day and my friend's mom still hash a picture of me when I was younger playing Skip-Bo at their house with one of their full-grown chickens under each arm. At the time I didn't know why they thought it was funny (who wouldn't want to hold a few chickens if you go the chance?) yet now looking back I see how unusual that is. So far Karis shows no indication that she'll follow in my footsteps and be addicted to acquiring pets, even though she really does enjoy animals. Perhaps it's a good thing she's not thrilled with Chicky or poor Jonathan might feel outnumbered one day and find his house filled with strays (I think he feels like he can keep me under control at this point but you know how the daughter/father relationship goes...and remember he only has one child at this point who has him completely wrapped around her little finger).
We're having a nice weekend here doing projects around the house, acquiring pets, having friends over and dreaming about our new house (I still can't believe it!). I need to go and start making tortillas for supper tonight.
Before I go I'll include the short video we took of Karis the other day when she was hiding under her hands:-)
Principle Two - Part 3
5 years ago
i was laughing out loud. seems you conveniently forgot to mention other mentionable rabbit stories. oh well, come read my blog if you want true transparency :)
i think it is great that karis now has a pet but i think the lack of excitement is due to the fact that it is not a kitty!!!!!
To Kim - You think I would mention how terrible of a pet-owner I was at times? And let the world know how guilty I feel (almost 20 years later!) over that fact? Oh, and I did give a short "Karis needs a cat" line to Jonathan yesterday (I am already imagining everything I'll be able to get in this lifetime now that I have a little girl who "needs" so much!). He didn't fall for it.
To Meg - Yes, I knew you'd come back after I put you on a guilt-trip for not leaving a comment both times you came to this post. Thanks. You're a good woman.
I came over to leave you a comment from Meg in Tally. I thought you might be excited to have three :) I would be :)
Oh the pet stories I could share. Really, I should write about the cat who we had two days that nearly died on us from the cat flu and we took him back to the Humane Society. Not my finest week. Just in January we aquired our first pet (besides fish) for the little chickies and thankfully this kitty is a keeper!
Your little birdy is sweet although really, I'm just a cat person :)
Just so everybody knows...Meg did redeem herself by commenting via email...she's such a softy/nice person that I really shouldn't have guilted her into responding. Now I'm feeling guilty:-)
Thanks MamaHen for thinking of my almost-empty comment post! Now you gave me an opportunity to comment again which will take it to four comments. Yahoo!
I am laughing at the the nickname your daddy gave you, and did you really hold two chickens and play skip bo...too funny. I love Karis' pet!!
This was a fun post!!
Wow! My name is getting bandied about more on your blog than my own! I DID come back to actually READ your entry -- like I said via e-mail -- it's hard to talk on the telephone and read blogs and comment at the same time.
The bird is cute -- but the cutie at the end is even cuter! How could I not comment on her hiding behind her hands...don't you wish it actually worked? When my mouth gets away from me -- I could just put my hands over my eyes and disappear! Woohoo! Wouldn't that be cool?
BTW, I didn't know about you and animals -- I just thought the Weso's were animal-less cause they had too many kids to feed! I didn't know it was the fault of the eldest!!!
Chuckle! Giggle! No pets here. We have two black lab mixed with mutt as yard alarms, but no indoor pets.
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