If I were a complainy-type person I MAY be tempted to complain about the dust during dry season here. Since I'm not (or determined not to be) I won't fill a post with the woes of having to mop my floors every other day, or clean my daughter's feet throughout the day (because I am obsessive compulsive in a few areas). I won't mention what it feels like to breath in clouds of dust when you go outside or create clouds of dust when you walk in the used-to-be-grass (poof...poof...poof). I also won't take the time to mention how dead-looking everything is after months of no rain! As my positive sister-in-law wrote in her latest newsletter there are many positives to dry season...my favorite being that all of your furniture matches, since everything turns a light shade of brown!
Even though I'll refrain from complaining I will take the time to say how glorious the rain was that we received last night! Yesterday was one of the hottest days we've had since moving here (which isn't anything compared to the heat we were accustomed to living in, yet what can I say, it's easy to adjust to the weather when we live in almost perfect temperatures everyday). The smell of rain, the sound of rain...the cool breeze that comes with the rain. Oh I just love it...
Onto other positive happenings in Land of Sunny Days. Tomorrow is the big day! Or the day before the big day, if you will. The house will be unoccupied as of tomorrow morning but it will still be occupied by some miscellaneous pieces of furniture that various individuals will be picking up, hopefully tomorrow (that the previous home-owners sold to them). So most likely we won't get to move our things in until Tuesday. And how does one spend their time the weekend before a big move? Laundry, painting (Karis' bed) and packing 2 boxes. One girl at church said "oh, you must be spending all of your days packing up again!" "Nope, I have about 8 boxes packed" was my reply. "oh" she said "probably because you left a lot of things packed from your last move?" (with a look on her face that said I sure hope that's the case!). Nope, almost everything is unpacked and put away. What can I say, I'm a woman who likes to work under pressure. And because we have a limited amount of boxes to use and because I want to focus on getting my kitchen moved over first I'm waiting 'til last minute so that we can still eat every once-in-a-while (kinda funny how I can rationalize and make myself feel like a better woman by procrastinating). Once tomorrow rolls around I may have a great post to write about procrastination and how it doesn't pay...
I guess I've written a bit of sense into myself after posting the above because I'm feeling like I should go work on packing up the kitchen!
I'll leave you with a recent video of Karis. We recently introduced her to the book "Go Dog, Go" and she loves it so much that she has almost half of the book memorized! Here she is "reading" the book by herself...
Oh wait, before I go...you need to watch this dance (which happens to be of the cutest nephew in the world!) (cutest nephew named Dominic, that is).
Principle Two - Part 3
5 years ago
Go!, Dog, Go! was one of my very favorite books when I was little -- so it was one of the first 'reading' books I bought for Bex. So much fun!
Loved the video of Dom, too! I especially liked all that arm action at the end! Doesn't Stacey ever put pants on that boy? JK!
The video of Karis is so cute. When I was a little girl I had my favorite book memorized, too! It was called the Little Mommy. Who knew I would actually grow up to be the Little Mommy?! Thank-you Jesus!
How about the title of Send The Rain :) There is nothing better than raindrops and the smell of rain, especially after a long dry spell.
I love that Karis is 'reading!' and the little dancing video is great :)
One of my favorites too! I think I can still recite the entire book. How cute.
Well thanks alot Kelley, for making me miss my grandson (and I don't want to hear any remarks from your mother about how FAR her granddaughter lives from her!)
Cooper has the Go, Dog, Go book memorized, too. And Warren and Brite are always quoting from it :)
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