It's been a crazy week, folks. Moving houses began as a gradual process but soon picked up when we realized, oh wow, we only have a few more days to clear out the rental house! It's been tiring, it's been exciting, it's been exhausting, it's been...oh, never mind. Today we finally got the last little thing brought over, so hallelujah, I see the light! And even though the only room that is set-up and ready is the living room (where I spend all of my free-time so that I don't have to see everything that needs to be done) we are both just excited to be here. Once again, we're so blessed!
I am looking forward to the day I can post some pictures of our new homey-home but since that will be a few days (at least) I think I'll take this opportunity to post about myself. And lest you think that this was MY idea then go see Meg's blog here. She was "tagged" on her blog and then passed on the love and tagged me. I think I've been tagged before but didn't know what that was. Anyway, I guess there is an A-Z thing where I get to share details about myself and my life to whoever has nothing else better to do than read about ME. And lest you think I'm bummed that Meg chose me to tag, please know that I love talking about myself and I won't hesitate whatsoever to take this opportunity! The cool thing is that I can go on and on about myself and if my readers become bored/annoyed, etc, I won't have a clue! Like if I were telling them these details in person I would know right away when they lose interest. Their eyes would wander, their "uh huh" 's would become fewer and farther between, and so on and so on. This way all of my faithful comment-leavers can read a few letters and still have plenty to leave in the comment box (but don't worry, Meg, I didn't do this when I read yours. I found it very interesting!). I guess I'm also supposed to "tag" 5 other people but I think I'll just tag Kim at this point, since she's the only one I can envision taking the time to post about herself (I think she'll enjoy it almost as much as I am going to!). So you can link to Kim's future A-Z taggy-thingie here.
Ok, here goes...
Attached or Single? Attached. For 7 whole years (I can hear the "oh's" and "ah's" already!).
Best Friend? Nope, but lots of good ones (I'm so thankful to have awesome sisters as well as an awesome cousin, sister-in-law and many non-related awesome friends:-)
Cake or Pie? Which one's chocolate?
Day of choice? Probably Friday night. I love having the weekend to look forward to but by Saturday it already feels like it's coming to an end!
Essential item? hmmm....oh wow, well, this one doesn't really have much to do about me so I'm gonna skip it for now and if I think of something I'll come back later.
Flavor of Ice-cream? Depends on where I'm living. If we're in the States then it's a tie between chocolate and Snickers. Oh wow, I can taste it already. If we're here, well, I guess lime.
Gummy bears or worms? Worms, I agree with Meg.
Hometown? Tallahassee, FL. I really love Tally! I really miss the oak trees with the moss hanging down...that's always the first thing I notice when going home...Old Bainbridge road is the best! (too bad I don't know how to spell it.)
Indulgences? Chocolate ice-cream or any other food item that has chocolate and sugar combined into one dish.
January or July? Definitely July! I don't know how some people can handle (cough, cough, Meg) being cooped up inside for months at a time without decent amounts of sunshine? I get depressed just thinking about it.
Kids? Yes. I enjoy being one myself and I own one with the hopes of owning 10+ more (if you're reading this grandma and granddaddy, don't freak out! It isn't going to happen anytime soon!).
Last movie seen in the theater? Don't remember but it wasn't very good and was a complete waste of time.
Middle name? Marie...just like half of the female population in the U.S. :-)
Number of siblings? 8...5 brothers and 3 sisters (all younger). They're the best! I love my siblings.
Oranges or Apples? Definitely oranges...I couldn't live without my O.J.
Phobia or Fear? Not to get serious all-of-a-sudden but in this day and age I'd have to say my only fear is the thought of my little girl being taken from me or anything like that happening to her. I don't think it's an unhealthy fear but it does make me super careful when we're in certain situations!
Quote? I have a book full of quotes that I've written down from books I've read. They keep me challenged and inspired but since that book happens to be packed away somewhere in one of the 150 cardboard boxes laying around here...just check out the cool K.P. Yohannan quote on my side bar. It's a good one!
Reason to smile? I have been redeemed and am loved by the Savior of the world! I also have a very funny 2-year old that keeps me laughing.
Season? Spring, all the way!
Tag 5 more. Ok, this was where I was supposed to tag more people but I'll just leave it to where Kim is tagged up top.
Unknown fact about me. hmmmm....if you've you've given me any time to talk about myself in person then there probably isn't much left to tell! Ok, well, being a very non-violent person I did have one violent streak when I was a teenager. My brother (who is wonderful to me now) did something cruel (can't even remember what) and I guess that was the last straw because without even thinking about it I pick up the nearest item (which happened to be a full container of wet-wipes) and threw it as hard as I could at him! I will NEVER, I repeat NEVER forget the shocked look on his face. Oh, it was glorious. I can still get a good laugh about it now when it comes to mind.
Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? I am such a hypocrite because if I had to slaughter the animals myself I'd become a vegetarian real quick-like (only you Tenneasseans will understand that saying).
Worst habit? Being way too focused on the one task I'm trying to get accomplished...when I worked at a restaurant as a server (it isn't waiter or waitress anymore, don't ya know, we gotta be politically correct here) they called me "Spaz" because when I was focused my eyes would be pointed down, I'd be hunched over while running around like a crazy-woman. After trying to break that habit for 5 years I still drive Jonathan nuts...his favorite thing to say to me when I'm like this is "calma!" (that would be Portuguese for "calm down"). Anyway, that was way more than anybody wanted to know, I'm sure.
X-rays or Ultrasounds? I don't think I'll answer this's a strange question that I don't understand.
Your favorite food item? Cheese/Chocolate or any dish involving one or the other:-)
Zodiac? I think I have a friend who was prescribed that medicine and has to take it daily. Ok, just kidding...I don't know the answer and wanted to come up with a better question but am too worn out...I'm also doubting that very many readers made it to the end? Unless some just skipped to the end to get some comment material?
Either way, good night good people! Maybe Monday I'll have some fabulous pictures to post of our new homey-home...
Principle Two - Part 3
5 years ago
I totally understand the fear of having children taken away.
Also, loved the wollybop story. Makes me think of my daughter's stwawbabies.
I think that fear of somebody taking my kid is pretty scary, too. Especially since she DID disappear at a Fall Festival one time and just about scared me to death!
Also, just so you know the sun shines EVEN in the winter! You just don't get HOT! LOL!!
chocolate can be pie or cake... i like both too!
Which brother did you throw the wipes at? I either never knew this or conveniently forgot it! :)
I read to the end. Because I'm one of those weirdos who can't do anything half-way. It's a curse, really.
I'm looking forward to the house pics. Not that the meme wasn't Fascinating :)
I read all the way to the end because I love getting to know more about people!
And I OBSESS over my kids getting taken from me. For the longest time I couldn't let them even go outside without me being right there. I'm getting better, now that they are older but it is a scary world.
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