Our old camera has issues (I guess you could call it "my" camera) and it kills batteries within the first 20 seconds of life that those batteries bring. Our newer (translated "Jonathan's") camera is missing software so I can't get pictures onto the computer. So I say to myself, how am I going to be able to keep my 15 loyal readers if I don't have posts with pictures? I probably won't (if you're reading this Princess, feel very, very sorry for me....you and your 200+ hits a day).
Oh wait, I do have 9,542 older pictures of my almost-3-year old child...I can dig up a few of those!
Even though this paragraph is going to be rather boring to most of you (just skip it) I feel like I must include it since the real reason I blog (haha) is to have a journal that we can read 10 years down the road and remember. We are settled enough to live (I think I'm going to have to start cooking again!) but not enough for things to not get on my nerves. How does the daughter of Don Weso not have the ability to handle clutter? It totally clutters up my thinking and tends to make me grumpy...this is a good "character-building" phase in my life. I think as therapy I'm going to ride into town today and buy a few flower pots. Ok, end of boring paragraph.
Oh, and just so you know that little quote that the Princess left on her blog on Sunday....
"You are not what you think, but what you think - you are."
D.A. Carson
made it so that I can't use clutter as an excuse for being grumpy. So now I'm grumpy that I feel I have no right to be grumpy. Actually, conviction is a good thing and I cannot get that quote out of my head! (Remember, I thrive on guilt.)
You may be trying to figure out the connection between the quote and my grumpiness-excuse convictions...I guess you'll have to go read her post (and add to the 200+ hits that she gets a day! You're welcome, Princess.)
So now I'm going to add a few convicting quotes of my own and from the SAME book that I've been reading for WEEKS. Here are some provoking thoughts from good ol' George...
"Truly, it is worth being poor and greatly tried in faith for the sake of having such precious, daily proof of the loving interest which our kind Father takes in everything that concerns us."
"All that we possess in God as His partners may be brought down into our daily life and be enjoyed, experienced, and used. We may make unlimited use of our partnership with the Father and with the Son and draw out, by prayer and faith, the inexhaustible fullness in God."
I can hear that sweet little voice talking to herself in the other room which probably means it is time to wrap up this post. I went in to get her up the other day and she said "mommy, I want some dirty eggs for breakfast". I asked her if she just wanted eggs but she said "no, dirty eggs". I have no idea what she meant by that. She does make me laugh...
Oh, here's a picture from last month in the rental house...since she could sit up she find it comfortable to sit on top of mommy or papai's stomach (What can I say, she likes soft surfaces.)
Principle Two - Part 3
5 years ago
Posts are NOT required to have pictures...but they do add to the fun! How did I miss this one yesterday?
I hereby dub you the "Guilt Queen"...there. Does that make you feel less grumpy? How about 50 points for your honesty...does that help?
If you can't come up with something else to say...why not tell us about some of the differences between living in Brazil and the USA?
Oops! Once again, I hit enter too quickly...
I was just trying to give you a post idea -- not saying that I don't enjoy ALLLL your posts...you clever girl!
It's nice that you are settled and ready to add flowers and what not! I would LOVE to hear about life in Brazil. Also, I'll throw in 50 points for honesty, too. We all have days :)
Thank you...I do feel so much better being dubbed Guilt-Queen. It doesn't necessarily make me feel less-grumpy (haha) but it does make me feel less-guilty. I have no idea why.
You probably missed my post because I wrote it yesterday morning and then for some reason the rest of the day my computer wouldn't let me post it OR go to any blog sites. I could go to other sites just fine but no blogger sites. Weird huh? So then when I finally posted it today it gave yesterday's date. Maybe it was a forced bloggy-fast from the Lord:-)
I have always been driven by guilt, too. We must have a lot in common :)
I always try to remember that guilt is not of the Lord. He brings only conviction.
dirty eggs - maybe this is a commentary on the state of your kitchen. tomorrow she may ask for dirty banana, dirty chicken, etc, etc.
I love your posts with or without pics :) its just interesting to hear about life in Brazil!! Have an awesome day !!
Aw Kelly....You really do think too highly of me, dear girl. It was only 197 posts, not 200 :)
And most of them were One-Blog-Stands, since my numbers haven't been so high since!
But we don't do this for the numbers, do we? We do it for journaling, for accountability, for sharing our joys and triumphs and houses and .....grumpiness.
If it makes you feel any better, I would have already packed my bags and come home from there. I knew that as soon as I read about all your dust-covered floors.
OH, and I love that first quote!
Where did it come from?
Yoo Hoo! Kelley? Tap..tap...anybody there?
I'm having withdrawal from Brazil and Karis pains...Quit playing house and mama and wife and post some pix of that new house ...homey or not!!!
PLEASE???? [read in very whiny voice...]
Figured I'd at least put you into double digit comments by commenting on your blog that doesn't have a new post (although I'm not the one to talk!)
I like your music. I never noticed it before. I must've had my volume on mute all this time...
Wow, double-digits! I had to go on a week-long bloggy-fast to get it, but still, what an accomplishment. Thank you, ladies, who contributed more than one comment to make this special moment possible...
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