There are so many wonderful things about being back "home" with family! My child and I are being absolutely spoiled, for one. I almost feel responsibility free as my only chore (which isn't a chore) has been to put Karis down for her naps or to bed at night. Everything else has been enthusiastically taken over by her aunts and uncles! She is soaking in every bit of attention while at the same time missing her Papai who she mentions daily (she misses you, Babe!) She says "maybe we'll go home and see papai in a little soon."
Another fabulous aspect about being with immediate family is that I don't feel quite as quirky as I actually am. I mean, we all have quirky traits to some degree within our personalities (some more than others) but with family they don't even think about those attributes because it's you and they like you with or without those strange expressions, comments or gestures. If I say something completely off the wall that did not come out as planned I don't even waste my breath trying to explain myself because it doesn't matter. They don't care that I sound like a rambling moron...if anything we all laugh about how dumb I sounded. Hey, it may even become the new family joke for a week or so!
Somehow as I exit out of my wifely and motherly duties (that I really love) the childish part of me comes out even more. I not only feel 18 (like I do anyway on a daily basis) but I am now acting like I did when I was 18. And that is where last nights occurrences come into the picture...
It all happened at 2am this morning, five hours after I had gone to bed for the night. Karis woke up because she was hot and in the end had all three of us (Kimbosha, courtney and me) wide awake. Well, earlier Kimbosha and I had already talked about a slight prank we'd play on our brothers Matt and Ben but that was before I feel asleep while putting Karis down for the night. Now we had our chance! I guess I wouldn't necessarily classify it as a prank because in reality it needed to be done...whatever the cost. You see, our two brothers have these horrific sideburns which they refuse to cut. They aren't real sideburns but overgrown hairs that portrude in front of their ears. I've been calling them my "elves" this week because that is exactly what they look like. Kimmy scrounged around to find the sharpest scissors in the house so that we could take care of those nasty little boogars (the sideburns). She held her cell phone that has a light on it so that i could see but apprently the sharpest scissors in the house weren't very sharp. Since Ben is a heavier sleeper than matt we began with him but it took 3 attempts to finally get a clump of hair! We were afraid he'd wake up if I tried again so Kimmy said "that's ok, if you cut one he'll just have to cut the other tomorrow"...good thinking. So then we moved onto Matt. The first attempt failed because he moved as soon as the scissors touched the side of his face. The second attempt failed because he woke up, sat up and screamed "noooooooooo!" before I could cut. Kimmy ran while I hid the scissors and said "we just wanted to give you a wet willy" and then walked out. I thought we had failed with the task at hand yet gained a great memory and some good laughs. Then this morning when Matt got up he asked "were you in my room last night or was that a dream?" Kimmy and I played dumb while he told everybody in the family this strange dream he had about us coming into his room to give him a wet willy :-) The funny part is that Ben hasn't even noticed the chunk of hair i cut out (my mom still doesn't know...until she reads this that is). I guess we get another chance! I need to buy some decent scissors before our next attempt. Here is a picture right after we got the chunk out of Ben's hair. It looks like I'm crying but I think it was a combination of laughing too hard and the just-woke-up-at-2am-look.Ah, I love family. I don't know when I'll get to laugh that hard again (maybe tonight if we find some sharper scissors!)
Here are a few more pictures from yesterday...
Principle Two - Part 3
5 years ago
Aha ... now all the comments I heard this morning make sense. I have some sharper scissors in the hair cutting kit. If you try again, do both sides please!
Ooops ... that comment from Kelley was really from Kelley's mom who didn't realize the blog was signed into her account! :)
LOl... that story is HILARIOUS! I was laughing at your description!
And I thought you looked a bit like you were crying... but it makes complete sense about the laughing too hard. It's so hard to NOT laugh when you're doing something like that!
And love the "scandalous" outfit! :)
The scandalous outfit picture has Karis looking JUST LIKE her Grandma Pat!
It's fun being a guest at family's house...that's why that 2 hrs between me and my family is absolutely PERFECT!
You know I'd be joining you at Good Cents if I were in town! Have fun! :) Oh, and good luck finding the hair scissors!
so fun to meet you and karis today! hope the blackberry grits lived up to their reputation...
Had a great time meeting you yesterday! I'll have to try out that good cents store sometime, but I may need reinforcements!
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